As I sat on a runway in a US Airways Airbus A330 awaiting takeoff, I eased back in my seat and looked over a magazine just pulled from the seat pocket in front of me.
The article that gets my attention is titled Deconstructing the Deal by Kentin Waits of
Among his suggestions on getting a deal, including negotiating, shopping around, buying off-season, anticipate needs, pay now and barter, the one that seems to jump off the page to an auctioneer is — buy used.
Here is Kentin’s thoughts on buying used:I truly love stepping aside and letting someone else pay retail for an item that will eventually be sold secondhand for 75 percent less. The original purchaser gets the rush of a new item; I get the rush of saving 75 percent. It’s a win-win. I buy used cars, used furniture, used clothes, and, yes, (insert drum roll) even used shoes. The precipitous drop in price from an item defined as “new” to an item redefined as “used” simply cannot be matched by even the most amazing 4:00 a.m. Black Friday stampede sale.
We wrote about the “prospect of a deal” here: and the theme is that people go to auctions in order to find a deal.
In April, 2010, The National Auctioneers Association published the following article in commemoration of National Auctioneers Day and Earth Day, noting the role of the auctioneer as a “recycler” in selling used items, bringing them to new life with new owners:Overland Park, KS (Vocus) April 15, 2010 — “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”. We’ve heard the saying before but we rarely consider the value of items we carelessly throw away. When you break out the brooms and cleaning supplies to begin your spring cleaning or when celebrating Earth Day (, reconsider the items you needlessly throw away and consider acquiring the professional services of history’s first recycler, the auctioneer. Consumers discard assets every day they no longer use or value but fail to realize they may be throwing away items others want to buy.Long before the practice of recycling or the world became aware of “carbon footprints,” actually 2,000 years ago, auctioneers were recycling goods and assets for customers. Every day auctioneers in communities large and small assist their clients by marketing and selling assets they no longer use while providing buyers with a marketplace to purchase for their homes, personal collections and businesses.Over a quarter-trillion dollars in goods and assets are sold every year in the U.S. by professional auctioneers. The gross volume and dollar value of assets sold at auction increases even more when adding the daily transactions that occur on Web sites like eBay. Consumers and businesses use the services of auctioneers to professionally market, advertise and sell their possessions they no longer use in return for money. Auction-goers return to auctions week-after-week on a “treasure hunt” for the next addition to their collections.Contrary to popular belief, talking fast isn’t the only skill an auctioneer possesses. Auctioneers are marketing and advertising specialists who understand the psychology of selling. Every day auctioneers recycle, renew and reuse valuable collectibles, jewelry, artwork, antiques, rugs, crystal, furniture, heavy equipment, business equipment, and much, much more.On Saturday, April 17, 2010, auctioneers throughout the world will celebrate National Auctioneers Day ( On this special day auctioneers volunteer in their communities and educate the public about the benefits of selling and buying at auction. Five days later people throughout the world will be celebrating Earth Day (April 22, 2010), a day established for the world to focus on preserving and protecting the planet. This year, recognize history’s first recycler and consider celebrating National Auctioneers (Recycler) Day on Saturday, April 17, 2010.
Want to get a deal? Auctions provide a good opportunity for getting a deal, with typically significant savings over retail. And, as the NAA points out, you also contribute to a healthier planet.
Mike Brandly, Auctioneer, CAI, AARE has been an auctioneer and certified appraiser for over 30 years. His company’s auctions are located at: Mike Brandly, Auctioneer, Keller Williams Auctions and Goodwill Columbus Car Auction. His Facebook page is: He serves as Adjunct Faculty at Columbus State Community College and is Executive Director of The Ohio Auction School.